Our Accessibility Services (accessibility = a11y)

We are Business to Client accessibility experts.

We facilitate making all aspects of your business communication and marketing accessible to all users, including those with visual and hearing impairments as well as those who are neurodivergent. Accessible communication is communication that is clear, direct, easy to understand and can be made available in multiple formats so that all users have equal access.

Our services help our clients navigate the changes that are required to become accessible to a much larger market of consumers, employees and potential business partners.

Our team.

Our three core services:

  • Evaluation of your accessibility (JPC Accessibility Scan and JPC Accessibility Assessment).
  • Implementation and Project Support.
  • Consultancy for an inclusive Business Culture.

JPC Accessibility Scan

We conduct a scan of the accessibility of your digital communication and marketing.

Selected samples will be taken from e.g.:
Website, apps, social media, press releases, presentations, documents (Word, pdf).


  • Quality of accessibility features such as structure, contrast, alt text, captioning.
  • Accessibility of content (reading level).
  • Accessibility review of a key company process, e.g. recruitment.

We then provide a concise report on our findings describing accessibility compliance issues with explanations.

JPC Accessibililty Assessment

Our JPC Assessment is based on a broad analysis of your digital communication, marketing and the quality of your audio description and captioning.
This is followed by a detailed report on our findings describing accessibility compliance issues and giving recommendations.

We examine a predefined scope of your marketing, website, apps, social media, press releases or newsletters, presentations, documents (Word, PPT, pdf), webinars and intranet.


  • Quality of accessibility features such as structure, buttons, contrast, alt text, captioning.
  • Accessibility of content (reading level).
  • Quality of audio description if applicable.
  • Accessibility review of one or more of your key processes, e.g. recruitment, L&D.

Optional: advice on new EU ESG reporting standards.

Accessibility Implementation & Project Support

As a separate service or following our scan or assessment, we provide the following for selected company staff from various departments.

We build awareness of the broad spectrum of accessibility measures related to EU legislation and the benefits for your company. You will be able to engage with stakeholders you didn’t know you were missing!

  • Group sessions that explain components of accessibility  in all company processes and the benefits of  diversity, equity and inclusiveness
  • Inclusive communication workshops focusing on appropriate language and use of accessible commmunication features in Word, PPT, postings.
  • Updates on accessibility developments.

Consultancy for an Inclusive business culture 

Consultancy services to optimize and embed inclusivity compliance in your business.

  • Inclusive leadership: meet the changing expectations of your stakeholders.
  • Design for all: getting it right in all phases of a design process or project.
  • Talent management and accessibility in recruitment.
  • Content as a service: informative updates.
  • Upgrading your sustainability reporting in accordance with the new EU reporting standards.
  • Accessibility of your physical premises, working spaces and events.