
News & Articles

2406, 2024

JPC presentation on accessibility at the annual conference of Professional Accounts in Europe (PAiE).

JPC presentation on accessibility at the annual conference of Professional Accounts in Europe (PAiE). We regularly inform organisations about the impact of the European Accessibility Act that will enforced one year from now. At our presentation for PAiE members at Hotel nhow RAI Amsterdam on 18 June, we [...]

2006, 2024

How to measure inclusion? Measure accessibility!

How to measure inclusion? Measure accessibility! Many reports published by companies on their DEI strategy highlight the value they attach to inclusion. However, their examples of inclusion are usually statistics representing the percentages of women and different ethnic backgrounds in the workforce. In our view these figures illustrate [...]

2102, 2024

Did you know?

Inclusive Design for Inclusive Leadership 1,3 billion people with disabilities around the world spur innovations. Finding solutions to their problems lead to inventions that help us all! We can thank people with disabilities for innovations and some of the most widely used products today – a design for all policy is better for [...]