
These in-depth courses are tailored to your company’s needs.

A Different Kind of Leader – Online programme

A Different Kind of Leader is an online programme consisting of 4 modules based on the book with the same title. It provides valuable insights for business people who wish to increase their influence and be leading in a disruptive, digitalized world. What is the relevance of leaders in a world in which traditional business models are losing ground and innovation is driven more and more by cross functional, self-managed teams? This course opens the door to a way of leading that resonates with all generations in a constantly changing environment.

Leaders need to be equipped to deal with challenges such as new organisational models, agile teams, talent scarcity, the use of A.I. and broad-based diversity in order to drive progress. The masterclass objectives, contents and method of delivery are all aimed at ensuring you have practical steps, methods and tools to apply successfully in your day to day operations.

Please contact us for course objectives, contents, dates and more.

Transition Management

This is an online management programme on driving change. It is for executives, middle managers and business owners. We work with small, carefully selected groups. All participants receive an intake form and we use their valuable input to finetune our ‘Transition Management’ programme that goes beyond ‘how to manage change’. Our interactive approach ensures that the content covers topics that are of key importance to the participants.

  • Transition Management online course : 4 modules, max 12 participants.
  • Transition Management masterclass: 1 module, max 15 participants.
  • Transition Management webinar: max. 50 participants.

Main features:

  • Contents adapted to the profile of our participants.
  • Interaction – Q&A, polls, discussion groups, breakout sessions, quizzes.
  • Knowledge sharing between participants; networking benefits.

Please contact us for course objectives, contents, dates and more.

Executive Leadership for Women

We have a diverse programme of courses for executive women in Western Europe, the Balkans, Caucuses, Asia and the Middle East.

Please contact us for additional information as the themes we cover are extensive and content choices are made based on the profile of our audience, the nature of their business environments, their specific needs and current challenges.
Examples of themes:

  • New stakeholder & reputation management.
  • Advanced negotiation skills.
  • Influential communication in male-dominated settings.
  • Team leadership.
  • Key processes such conflict management.
  • Leading a family-owned company.

Please contact us for course objectives, contents, dates and more.

Company Governance

Corporate Governance is a theme that continues to gain importance in all sectors of business. All factors that contribute to a company’s success are built on effective company governance. Acquiring finance for new investments; attracting and retaining talented people in a world competing for talent; remaining an attractive business partner and building a strong reputation in society, all depend on how a company is run and on which mechanisms are in place to safeguard exemplary business practices.

We provide online or hybrid programmes tailored to the size of the company, their objectives and current experience in the field of corporate governance. We ensure that the scope of topics is inspiring and quick to understand and above all we provide guidelines for effective implementation. We will be pleased to suggest a detailed programme tailored to your needs.

Please contact us for course objectives, contents, dates and more.