
News & Articles

1302, 2020

Third Wave of the Internet (after search and social media)

Digital twins are transforming our world.... Yes, here's another ground-breaking development for business leaders to understand. All significant external developments demand changes in how managers lead and prepare their organisations to work faster, lighter and smarter. When I read about the emergence of digital twins, I realised that this is a disruptive development that [...]

2411, 2019

Managing a Consultancy Business – Bucharest, Romania

It was a pleasure to be invited to Bucharest, Romania, by EBRD to lead a 3-day programme on Managing a Consultancy Business.  It was stimulating to work with such ambitious, open consultants who are active in strategic, IT and operations consulting. The lively debates, case studies, sharing of dilemmas, experiences and laughter made this [...]

2411, 2019

Partnership politics

The topic of partnerships is often raised during our courses. Strategic alliances are becoming increasingly popular as businesses are expected to deliver a broader scope of service to their clients. Any association formed for mutual benefit requires of both parties that they develop an effective partnership. Too little time is spent defining what makes [...]

2411, 2019

A Different Kind of Leader – presentations to business clubs

Janet Poot has has been the keynote speaker at different business clubs ranging from Kiwanis club Laren, the Netherlands to Rotary Club Chisinau Cosmopolitan in Moldova. She was invited to speak on the topic of her book 'A Different Kind of Leader - accelerating progress in a world of disruption'. The reactions of the [...]

2411, 2019

Central European Startup Awards in Bucharest, Romania

It was so stimulating to be at the grand finale of the Central European Startup Awards in Bucharest on 21 November 2019. Guests and futureshapers from Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Croatia made this the place to be! Out of 5500 nominations, awards went to: Best Accelerator Program, [...]

2411, 2019

Change Management for Consultants – Chisinau, Moldova

Janet Poot was pleased to lead a 4-day change management programme for EBRD in Chisinau, Moldova in September and November 2019. The participants were experienced consultants with local and international clients in diverse sectors. Consultants in Moldova face a wide range of challenges that demand of them a high level of insight and foresight [...]